So I decided to start actually posting to the blog I created. Carrigan is now 3 months old. She's still tiny compared to most babies her age, but I think she is big. She smiles and laughs at me now which is too cute. She is so sweet to cuddle with in the morning when she wakes up. It's my favorite time. Yesterday I made some pictures for her. I drew some lines on a piece of paper with a black marker and then some circles on another, then some black squares on another. The squares are her favorite. She stares at them forever and laughs and smiles at them the whole time. Who knew entertainment could be so cheap?
Luke has been out of town a lot with army stuff so I have had many opportunities to stay with his parents and my parents....the grandparents. It's all about the baby now...but that's ok. They love her so much. Luke comes back from annual training on Sunday. I'm so excited!
Carrigan and I went to the store today. She does not do very well in public. She cries a lot. I'm hoping she'll grow out of it though. She is napping right now. Let me tell's so hard to get her to take a nap. She'll cry and cry and cry b/c she is tired, but she can't stay asleep if I lay her down. She naps in her swing while I play the sound of a hairdryer for the duration of her nap. It's so weird that a hairdryer is the only thing that keeps her calm enough for naps.
I'm at my parents house for the day and they are having some people in the neighborhood over for dinner tonight so I helped do some house work to get the place looking nice. Popsy...Paparazzi...Grandpa...whatever you want to call him took care of Carrigan while I cleaned and then watched her while I went back to the store to pick up some things for dinner tonight. We are having pork roast, cheesy mac n cheese (YUM!), green beans with potatoes and homemade pound cake. It's going to be so tasty.
Well, time to feed the baby...